
Benefits of EAVA membership

Why apply for EAVA membership?

Our members receive the following benefits based on the different categories:

  • Opportunity to network with fellow professionals and to participate in the society’s regular scientific meetings and social events
  • Discounts for the Society’s scientific meetings
  • Eligibility to apply for awards, prizes, and scholarships
  • Easy online registration for our meetings
  • Access to members-only online forums and member directory (Coming soon)

We welcome all those with an interest in the Anatomical Sciences to join us. Our international community of scientists and related professionals allows our members to form lifelong professional relationships and friendships. You can apply online at any time of the year and at any stage of your career.

How to pay your membership

The current annual membership fee is 20 euros.

Pay via bank transfer

Name of the account holder: Prof. Christoph Mülling
Bank: Apo bank, 40547 Düsseldorf Germany

Type of account:  EUR

IBAN: DE31 3006 0601 0007 5479 46


SORT CODE: 30060601

How to join EAVA and become a member


Please email the filled-in application form and your CV to the following email:


Types of Membership

Registered Member

  • A member who has applied for the membership and is awaiting approval from the General Assembly of the EAVA
  • A member who is overdue the membership fees
  • This type of membership only allows access to certain parts of the web pages, these members are not eligible to apply for awards, prizes, or scholarships

Active member

  • A member who has been approved by the General Assembly of the EAVA and paid the membership fees
  • Full access to the forum enabling contact with other members, entering and creating discussion forums, access to reduced congress registration where applicable, may be eligible for awards, prizes, scholarships where applicable. Eligible to vote at General Assemblies. Eligible to be nominated to the Board. 

Honorary member

  • A member who has been voted by the General Assembly of the EAVA as an honorary member for exceptional contribution to the anatomical society
  • Full access to the forum enabling contact with other members, entering and creating discussion forums
  • This type of membership is eligible for no fee payment

Senior Member

  • Retired but an active member of the EAVA
  • Full access to the forum enabling contact with other members, entering and creating discussion forums
  • This type of membership is eligible for no fee payment

Contact our Office of the Secretary-General for further information.

